Modify a project’s settings

To access the settings of a project: Project >   “Settings” icon in the top right corner of the window (below the user drop-down menu).

You can set up several elements of the project, divided into sections. To display the detail of a section, click on the arrow   on the left. Your choices of open/closed sections are saved to allow you to keep open sections that you use frequently.

Click on one of the sections below to see more details, and click on a feature to view the dedicated article.

  • Project
  • Display options
  • New task default parameters
  • Collaboration on project
  • Project calendar


All the main information of the project in its settings.

Display options

Display options on the task.

New task default parameters

You can set default parameters to the new tasks you create.

Collaboration on project

You can manage the members assign on the project from the settings.

Project calendar

Use the calendar of the project to limit when you plan tasks.

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