Collaborate with an unlimited number of members
You can collaborate with an unlimited number of members, whether they benefit or not of a license.
The members with whom you are in contact, and who you can therfore invite to collaborate on your projects, can be found on your list of members.
At the top of this list, you can create a member’s profile and invite him to be part of your list of members, by entering their email address.
Then the person receives an invitation to collaborate in Beesbusy (if they already have an account) or an invitation to create a Beesbusy account (by email).
Once the invitation is accepted, the person will be albe to see the projects you choose to share with him.
As long as you have not invited a member to collaborate and the member has not accepted the invitation, the member will not see the projects you have shared with him or the tasks you have assigned to him.
Assign your licenses to one of your contacts
You can allow a member to benefit from one of your licenses of your subscription.
In this case, the member will have access to the Beesbusy features included in your subscription. You can manage your licences here: User drop-down menu > Subscription > My subscription > Add an existing member.
For more information, see the article dedicated to subscription management.
Members who benefit from your licenses do not have access to your projects unless you share them with them. You have to choose which projects you want to share with those members and set access rights for each project.
Manage virtual resources
Finally, a member may represent a “virtual resource”.
A virtual resource is a member that you have created without assigning an email adresse to it, but that you can use as a resource in your projects. It can be a generic member (Customer, Supplier, etc.), a person who does not yet have an account (for example a trainee who will be arriving), or a material resource (company car, meeting room, engine…).