Monitoring the progress of tasks:
The progress of a task is visible thanks to the completion percentage displayed on the task.
When opening the task, this same percentage is visible at the top of the What tab, and is shown by the green and / or gray progress bar.
If working time has been assigned to a member on a task, it is in the Who tab of the task that its progress can be monitored.
Monitoring the progress of your projects:
- In “Dashboard”: in the “Global” tab, choose the projects you want to monitor. Once selected, the progress of your projects will be visible with a percentage for the whole of each project, as well as a more detailed percentage: by task list and by task.
- In “Multi-projects”:You canview the progress of your projects in the “Planning”, “Gantt” and “Calendars” views. You can use the filters to see the progress by selecting the “By status” filter.