Attachment to a task

Add an attachment

You can add one or more attachments to a task (document, photo, PDF, etc.). Click on the task to access its details panel.

Task > What tab: click on the “Add an attachment” button and select your document:

You can add :

  • a file
  • a link

Add a file

To add a file, simply click on “a file” and a window will appear to select the file that is saved on your computer.

Once selected, the attachment will appear at the bottom of the task details panel:

Attachment to a task

You can select several files at once.

To do so, simply select the desired files and confirm your selection by pressing “Open”.


Add a link

To add a link, click on “Add a link”. This window will appear:

Fill in the “Name” and “Link” fields, then click OK.

As with adding a file, the link will be displayed at the bottom of the task details panel:


In the What view, when a task contains an attachment, an icon  is displayed :

Icône de pièce jointe sur la tâche


Note 1: An attachment cannot exceed 200 MB, but you can add as many attachments as you like.

Note 2: Adding attachments is reserved for users with a subscription. However, users with a free account can download attachments.

Previewing an attachment

Click on the menu button in the bottom right-hand corner of the task details :

Comment voir le détail de la pièce jointe


In the attachments menu, click on the title of the attachment:

Menu de la pièce jointe

The document preview appears on the screen:

Prévisualisation d'une photo dans Beesbusy


Note 3: only certain document formats allow previewing:

bmp image/bmp ✓
htm texte/htm ✓
html texte/html ✓
jpg image/jpg ✓
jpeg image/jpeg ✓
pdf application/pdf ✓
png image/png ✓
tiff image/tiff ✓
txt texte/plain ✓

Select an image to thumbnail on the task

In the What view of the project, you can highlight an image uploaded on a task:

Image meaning of coulours

To do this, simply open the task and, in the list of attachments, select the image to display by clicking on the star to the left of its name:

How to select the picture that will be displayed on the task

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